Advertise With Us


Free Advertising

By advertising your product or brand in our website you will have the opportunity to be shown on the major search engines worldwide like Google, Yahoo and Bing and in social media like Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Digg and more. ManilaTrade uses the latest advertising strategies in internet marketing and SEO to reach a global audience. Simply send us an email at and describe your product or business that you want to be advertised in our website and we will get back to you with the details.

Be Our Partner

You can also become a ManilaTrade partner where we can set an arrangement that we become a distributor of your product. The advantage of being our partner is aside from the basic online advertising you will have more featured posts and impressions of your product in our website, promotion to our international trade partners, and intensive marketing to more online properties and websites. This gives you more leverage compared to typical advertising companies in the Philippines since we use advanced internet marketing strategies to connect to viewers across the globe.